Dive into adulthood like a boss and finally take control of your personal finances! Schedule your first consultation to get started!
Dive into adulthood like a boss and finally take control of your personal finances! Schedule your first consultation to get started!
““I participated in Adulting With Moi’s three-month saving challenge and this was an alternative way of saving for me. It felt so good to be constantly motivated. Money is something that people generally never talk about in numbers, so it was so exciting to have an accountability partner!””
“Her professionalism is excellent, all the while still providing a very personal experience for me. She has definitely helped me manage my money and bills. I love it, and want to Adult with Moi more!”
“The sessions with Moi have both been helpful and educational. I have learned the importance of saving, how to build good credit, and creating a budget that I can actually stick to.”
“Since I’ve started having sessions with Adulting with Moi, I’ve been able to stick to my budget and save my money and work towards my goal.”
“Jadah has helped me tremendously with the way I manage my money. She taught me that taking out my money and carrying it as cash can help me visualize the money that I have better versus swiping a debit/credit card and just spending it blindly. It has helped me rethink some purchases I’ve been making recently.”
“Adulting With Moi’s monthly bills chart has been super helpful in getting my finances organized!”
“One of the biggest things I took away from Adulting With Moi is planning for life in my budgeting. Life just happens and there are so many things that can go wrong, but it’s still important to budget in an emergency fund for when these life events happen!”
“I had basically maxed out my credit card and had made it a goal to knock out [my debt] since September, so I’ve been working towards this goal for about six months…One of the first things I did was STOP using my credit card - I took it off Apple Pay and auto fill...I even purposely didn’t remember my credit card number so I won’t be tempted to use it by memory. In addition, I had to change my lifestyle and stopped spending money on outside food and started cooking for myself and going grocery shopping - it saved a TON! Since I lived by a Marta station I started to use my free resources since my job grants me an unlimited pass monthly, so I stopped using Uber so much…All of this helped me save more money that I could throw at my debt and I’m so happy Jadah was able to help me build my credit score as well as eliminate this debt! Now on to the next credit card!
“I started throwing any and every extra dime that I had towards the total amount and tried to pay more than the minimum-payment each month! I also didn’t eat out for about two weeks and really strategized how I meal prepped for work, sat in the house for about two weeks so I wasn’t spending unnecessary money. It was definitely sacrifice because I couldn’t always go out with friends but it’s definitely worth it because now I’m debt free and can put those minimum payments towards my savings! Girl it took over 8 months..because I was lazy as hell and thought as long as I made minimum payments every month I’d be good, but once I started learning how the interest accrues, I started multiplying how often I paid. Now I am debt free and feel so relieved! I’m super happy!”